GCB 2024-Logo

GCB 2024

The German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) is an annual, international conference devoted to all areas of bioinformatics and meant as a platform for the whole bioinformatics community. Recent meetings attracted a multinational audience of approximately 250 participants each year.

The conference will take place at Bielefeld University. Besides the talks and poster sessions, ample networking opportunities including a conference dinner will be provided.
The conference starts in the afternoon of 30 September 2024 and is preceded by a workshop programme in the morning.

Looking forward to seeing you in Bielefeld!

Abstracts for posters can be submitted until 7 August 2024, the submission of lecture abstracts is closed. 

Submit your poster abstract here!



Supported by

Universität Bielefeld BIBI (Bielefeld Institute for Bioinformatics Infrastructure) CeBiTec (Center of Biotechnology) German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure - de.NBI DFG-logo-blau.svg FaBI Forschungszentrum Jülich Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie, GBM)