GCB 2024-Logo

Keynote Speakers

Mapping the Microverse and modelling its drivers

Bas Dutilh (Jena University)

The long and short of it: unravelling aberrant transcription termination
Caroline Friedel (LMU München)

Tim Hubbard (ELIXIR Cambridgeshire)

Generic solutions for specific problems: Snakemake, Datavzrd, Bioconda, and Varlociraptor in 2024
Johannes Köster (Universität Duisburg Essen)

Computational Approaches in Functional Genomics: Understanding Gene Regulation and Development
Luca Pinello (Harvard)

Genomics and AI for One Health
Lara Urban (Technical University of Munich)



Supported by

Universität Bielefeld BIBI (Bielefeld Institute for Bioinformatics Infrastructure) CeBiTec (Center of Biotechnology) German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure - de.NBI DFG-logo-blau.svg FaBI Forschungszentrum Jülich Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie, GBM)